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Updated: Jan 19, 2022

ADHD is not a disability. It is a different ABILITY

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder and is no longer a rarity today. Typical symptoms are concentration difficulties and impulsive behaviour. An umbrella term called "neuro-diversity" is now being used, a topic in which I am very much involved and have a personal interest, because in my family we are affected by neuro-diversity, which also includes dyslexia, discalculia and more. I stand behind the term "neuro-diversity" because I don't think it is a disease. It is just that, a diversity. And you don't die from neuro-diversity. It is not something that needs to be cured. It's a natural variation of how our brain processes structures and processes. It has been scientifically proven (in ultrasounds) that neurodiverse people have a different brain structure. Which is why these people sometimes have difficulty integrating into our structures in certain areas because they think differently. They have other strengths. I see it as a society's duty to strengthen our tolerance and broaden our horizons so that inclusion of all variations in life can take place. Strictly speaking, I therefore think that nero-diversity does not need a diagnosis. It needs tolerance. Nevertheless, I dedicate my thoughts in this blog to a suitable diet and diagnostic characteristics. Not because it needs to be cured, but specifically to gain mindfulness. Because the circumstances currently remain the same; many people remain ignorant towards diversity in all kinds. Which is why inclusion does not happen and neuro-diverse people have difficulties integrating into a structure and processes that were not made for them. If a form of neuro-diversity remains unrecognised, it often develops into a mental illness (examples below), because those affected do not understand what is wrong with them. Yet everything is perfectly right with them. But if they'd simply know, the psyche faces much less of a challenge and risk of developing a mental disorder is lowering massively. Hence, knowledge is everything!

This being said, I am personally very committed to ensuring that "neuro-diverse people" are not forced to adapt, but that "non-neurodiverse people" become more tolerant. That inclusion and acceptance will take place. Not only in professional life, already at school age.




AHDS diagnosis and consequences

Boys and men are diagnosed with ADHD much more frequently and quickly, while it remains largely undetected and undiagnosed in girls and women (12.9% vs. 5.6%). Society, as well as doctors, categorize the female gender as emotionally and hormonally driven. ADHD is often overlooked. If girls are affected by undiagnosed ADHD at a young age, they are typically described as restless, too rebellious or disorganised. This can have a serious impact on the mental health of those affected. In this respect, undiagnosed ADHD diagnoses face the following consequences:

  • mental disorders

  • Depression

  • Lack of performance (at school, physically) despite above-average intelligence

  • Lack of self-esteem

  • Massive complexes

  • more...

In study of the year 2014, it was found that doctors treat girls and women with anxiety and depression, while an existing ADHD is overlooked. The ADHD diagnosis is based on 9 main symptoms, of which at least 6 symptoms must be present during 6 months and show a noticeable negative impact in their everyday life.

(Source: Dignostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition).

This might need an update, doesn't it?



Possible characteristics of ADHD may include the following:

  • Sufficient or even insufficient ability to remain attentive, focused or concentrated for a long period of time.

  • Disorganised behaviour in everyday tasks, forgetfulness and frequent loss of important items.

  • Sufficient or insufficient time management

  • Weak memory

  • Impulsive behaviour or difficulty controlling impulses

  • Above-average intelligence but below-average performance at school/work

  • Restlessness, unable to sit still for a longer period of time, hyperactive

  • Not detail-oriented. Details tend to be overlooked. Frequent careless mistakes

  • Easily and quickly distracted

  • Rhetorical disorders: overzealous talking, interrupting conversations, rebellious...

  • Difficulty fitting into standardised structures and processes



Especially with ADHD (but not only), an adapted diet is essential. This is because our intestines have a direct connection to our brain. Like the brain, our intestines are also equipped with a nervous system that constantly receives and processes information and stimuli from the body. This becomes clear when you know that 98% of the body's seratonin (our happiness hormone) is produced in our digestive tract! This being said, I am not sharing this because of a curing perspective. As mentioned above, neuro-diversity does not need a cure in my opinion. But being confronted with psychological challenges everyday, will stress our mental health. The wrong diet does excellerate the mental stress we are confronted with, with mood wings, hyperactivity and much more. So these tips are not only interesting for neuro-diverse people, but also any kind of person who is confronted with mental challenges.

To improve the intestinal environment and alleviate ADHD symptoms, I recommend strict adherence to the following nutritional points:

  • CARBON HYDRATES | It stands and falls with healthy and high-quality carbohydrates. Attention should be paid to polysaccharides and these should be preferred to mono- and disaccharides. For example, I recommend integrating potatoes, gluten-free cereals and pulses.

  • FATS | Have a strict avoidance of trans fats applies, and at the same time integrate healthy fats: Avocado, nuts or cold-pressed organic oils in dark glass bottles (e.g. olive oil).

  • PROTEINS | Integration of high quality plantbased proteins such as spirulina, hemp seeds, pulses, tempeh, seeds & nuts....

  • Drink high-quality WATER | The body consists of approx. 80% water. Which is why drinking is so important. If possible, I recommend consuming filtered water.

  • Avoiding MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS | They contain too much hidden sugar and artificial additives that put unnecessary stress on our bodies. Artificial additives have been shown to promote hyperactivity. For example, glutamate has addictive properties and citric acid E330 binds heavy metals to itself and deposits them in the brain, which can lead to neurological disorders.

Carbohydrates & sugar consumption

In my blog about carbohydrates you can learn more about the different sugars and their effects. The regular and frequent consumption of sweets challenges our body with ups and downs of insulin secretions, which quickly leads to recurrent and rapid hypoglycaemia. If the brain is fed with too little glucose because of hypoglycaemia, the body reacts with concentration problems or headaches or other reactions. If the body already craves sweets after about 30-60 minutes with a strong craving, an unhealthy relationship to sugar is obvious and the intestinal environment has possibly already changed to the disadvantage of our health. This creates a dangerous cycle that urgently needs to be broken. A development into diabetes would be unattractive, which is obvious because the body responds to too much sugar with insulin resistance.

Say no to

  • Household sugar

  • White flour products

  • Ready-made products

Say yes to

  • Natural foods in their entirety: vegetables, nuts, fruits, seeds...

  • Integrate raw food (in combination or 100%): vegetables, fruits, nuts... Information about cooked food and its effect on the body can be found here.

  • Alternative sugars, they at least bring minerals and are not low in nutrients: Dates or date paste, maple syrup, pear syrup, apple syrup, honey...

A colon cleanse can help you start a new way of eating. Please feel free to contact me for a personal coaching (see button below).

Healthy fats

An optimal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is 5:1. Today the average is 15:1! Sunflower oil alone has a ratio of 122:1...

In addition, the EPA in algae/fish oil is known to reduce inflammation and the DHA in algae/fish oil is known to strengthen the brain. It is challenging to cover the necessary daily omega-3 requirement through the diet, which is why I generally recommend supplementing with 2g of omega-3 fatty acids per day. Linseed oil, hemp oil, rapeseed oil in organic quality, cold-pressed and bottled in dark glass bottles have a supporting effect. Nuts and avocado support an additional healthy fat intake. It is essential to use high-quality products. Poor quality products can do more harm than good. The simple test is: if the omega-3 capsules/oils/tablets taste rancid, it is a bad product and should not be consumed.

Even more important than taking EPA & DHA is avoiding trans fats. Trans fats are especially found in highly heated menus (chips, crisps...) and are formed when unheated oil is heated to high temperatures. Trans fats attach themselves to the receptors of our cells and clog them. This leads to the cell no longer being able to function optimally;

- Information can no longer be exchanged

- Nutrient uptake into the cell becomes blocked

- Waste products from the cells become more difficult to remove and remain in the body.

You can find more information about trans fats and fats here.

High quality proteins

In my blog article about proteins you will learn a lot about proteins. Below you will find a list of plant-based protein sources such as hemp seeds which you can cover with a delicious dip.

Gluten-containing grains provide a lot of protein, but they have been linked to poor concentration, lack of drive and inflammatory bowel reactions.

Possible (child-friendly) recipes


  • any kind of berries and fruits, freshly prepared

  • Muesli

  • Quinoa-/oat Porridge

  • glutunfree bread with selfmade nutrient-rich 2-min jam

  • Buckwheat-Pancake

  • and a looooot more!



  • Glutenfree pasta with pureed vegetable sauce

  • Pasta with selfmade pesto,

  • Soupe with bread,

  • Zoodles

  • and a looooot more!



  • Energieballs

  • self-made berries-Ice

  • self-made energy bars

  • healthy choko-dip with fresh fruits

  • and a looooot more!



For a bespoke coaching, please feel free to contact me.


xoxo your good-live coach Claudia 💋


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