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Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Zinc belongs to the micronutrients and is an essential trace element.

It is a cofactor of over 200 enzymes. In this respect a very important trace element, not least for a strong immune system. It also participates in the sugar, fat and protein metabolism, which is why it is interesting for diabetics, overweight people as well as people who are very active in sports.



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Function of zinc

Immune-pro | strengthens immune system.

Healthy skin | supports healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Sugar Metabolism | Chromium & Zinc play an important role in sugar and fat metabolism and sensitize insulin secretion and effectiveness. In addition, zinc has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and therefore reduces the risk of vascular diseases that are common in diabetes.

Deficiency | a deficiency shows up in almost all metabolic processes.



As is the case with calcium and iron, oxalic and phytic acids also inhibit the absorption of zinc. The combination with lemon juice improves the absorption of zinc from foods containing phytic acid.


Daily requirements

It is important to note that the requirement per day is strongly dependent on how much inhibitory substances one consumes at the same time.


Plantbased sources

These top 5 foods cover the daily requirement of 7mg:

  1. 100g nettle and poppy each

  2. 110g parsley

  3. 125g seeds and hemp seeds each

  4. 140g pumpkin seeds

  5. 180g linseed

Other foods (sorted by content, top to low):

Oats (220g), amaranth, buckwheat, Brazil nuts, lentils, peas, chickpeas, wheat grass powder, spirulina (500g), lamb's lettuce (3.3kg)...



Typical zinc deficiency symptoms are white grooves on the fingernails, reduced wound healing, increased susceptibility to infections, loss of appetite.

In the case of a chronic zinc deficiency, it is worth checking whether the body is suffering from a metabolic disorder such as KPU (cryptopyrroluria) / HPU (haemopyrrollactamuria). In this case, the synthesis of haem (a component of red blood cells, the erythrocytes) is disturbed and the absorption of micronutrients is also disturbed. This is because the toxic haem intermediates can only be properly excreted after binding to zinc, manganese and vitamin B6. Consequently, the body is deprived of these important nutrients. This loss cannot be compensated with nutrition. Therapy is recommended in order to respond to the body's individual needs. It is often accompanied by a substitution of zinc, manganese, magnesium and vitamin B6.


xoxo your good-life coach Claudia 💋

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