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Cobalt belongs to the micronutrients and is an essential trace element.

Cobalt is a relatively unknown trace element and must be supplied through the diet. Moreover, it has a direct connection to B12. In this respect, a B12 deficiency also means a cobalt deficiency and vice versa. It cannot be ruled out that cobalt is involved in thyroid metabolism, which is why this element can become interesting in the case of thyroid problems.

Vitamin B12 intake via a vegan diet is not that easy. Gain first insights into this topic here.



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Function of cobalt

B12 | Directly involved in vitamin B12 and therefore essential. A cobalt deficiency = vitamin B12 deficiency and vice versa. With a daily intake of 2-5mcg vitamin B12, between 0.2-0.4mcg cobalt is absorbed.

Detoxification | Antioxidant element

Blood | Involved in blood formation

Thyroid | Possible involvement in thyroid metabolism with iodine


Plantbased sources of Cobalt/B12

These top 5 foods meet the daily requirement of vitamin B12

70g shiitake mushrooms (dried)

Other foods

It is not easy to cover the vitamin B12 requirement vegan. There are plant-based foods with a vitamin B12 content, but these are usually so low that the daily requirement cannot be met:

- Ginger (3kg/day)

- Sauerkraut (content varies greatly)

- Trumpet chanterelle (mushroom), 1kg/day

- duckweed, bioactive B12 with 20mcg/100g

- Chlorella approx. 2mcg/1g (content varies greatly)

Another food with B12 is the weed/medicinal herb couch grass. 100g contain approx. 92mcg vitamin B12. However, this is exclusively natural and organic. You can buy couch grass root powder and tea in the shops. However, when buying, please make sure that the presence of B12 has been verified by a recognised laboratory!


xoxo your good-life coach Claudia 💋

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