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Magnesium belongs to the micronutrients and is a base-forming quantitative element.

Who has not experienced this?

The calves cramp up and an unbearable pain sets in. A classic magnesium deficiency. Is that so?

Did you know that a vitamin D deficiency can lead to a magnesium deficiency? Because without vitamin D, magnesium does not enter the bloodstream and remains in the intestines. The best coverage of magnesium is by making sure we get enough vitamin D during the day and magnesium through our diet. Nature provides us with enough magnesium-rich foods:

Sprouts, seeds, algae, cocoa, seeds, nuts....

Learn more about magnesium today.



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Functions of magnesium

Magnesium fulfils the following tasks in our organism:

Relaxation | for muscles, nerves & soul

Blood pressure | magnesium regulates blood pressure

Anti-inflammatory | Magnesium inhibits inflammation

Metabolism captain | magnesium stimulates over 300 metabolic processes



A magnesium deficiency manifests itself in many ways. Some typical symptoms are restlessness, listlessness, increased need for sleep, headaches... To compensate for a deficiency, a conscious diet can be implemented. For the beginning and to give the whole thing a little push, you can also supplement if necessary. Read more about this below.


Daily requirement

The magnesium requirement per day depends on age and gender. An infant, for example, is already covered with enough magnesium for the day with approx. 20g of sunflower seeds. There are many exciting dishes with sunflower seeds. Soaked and mixed, they are even more digestible and suitable for babies.


Plantbased sources

These top 5 foods meet the daily requirement of 300mg:

  1. 65g Black Sesame

  2. 75g Chlorella & Spirulina

  3. 80g Alfalfa sprouts

  4. 85g Pumpkin seeds

  5. 90g Sunflower seeds

Other sources per 100g (descending):

Raw quality cacao (95g), poppy seeds, amaranth, cashews, almonds, millet, brown rice, pulses, maize, oats, figs (dried), nettle, crispbread, wholemeal pasta, spinach, bananas, fennel, daisies (1kg)....


Food supplements

If you suffer from a deficiency or would like to take preventive action, it is advisable to cover the magnesium through your diet. I recommend the Sango sea coral to everyone before resorting to a synthetic preparation.

If you still prefer a preparation, I strongly recommend a citrate and not an oxide.

Why Sango Sea Coral?

Sango coral is an incredibly important source of calcium and magnesium for me. Its ratio of calcium to magnesium is in the optimal ratio of 2:1 as we find it in the body. It can easily be supplemented with meals such as smoothies, juices or porridges. This product is an exciting and excellent supplement not only for people living vegan.

I also use Sango Sea Coral after oil pulling to restore pH levels in the mouth, as well as for remineralising our water filtration system.

My favourite brands are those from NatureLove and InnoNature.


xoxo your good-life coach Claudia 💋

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