«if you dance like raindrops, there will always be sunshine»
Did you know that in Europe over 50% of the population suffers from vitamin D deficiency?
During SUMMER!
That's crazy! Especially because the sun is available to us for free. Every day. Why then this deficiency?

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Risks of a deficiency
Risks of vitamin D deficiency possibly lead to
Rickets (in children)
Poor dental health
Increased susceptibility to infections respectively a poor immune system
Central nervous system diseases such as Parkinson's disease, autism & dementia
Mental illnesses such as depression, psychosis or ADHD, as well as other neurological weaknesses.
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, certain cancers....
Measurement and importance
The level is measured in ng/ml and is ideally between 40-60. Replenishment or maintenance therapy should never be done without a physician or nutritionist.
Vitamin D controls the immune system. In this respect essential for a strong immune system.
It it co-factor for healthy bone metabolism including our teeth.
It maintains our calcium level
It protects and maintains our nerves and brain
It controls cell division and eliminates degenerate cells, thus reducing the risk of cancer.
Right absorption of our sun
The population-wide deficiency certainly has its known causes. There are several ways to prevent a deficiency and to be more aware of how to deal with the sun.
Expose large areas of skin to the sun. Exposing only the face and hands to the sun is not enough for sufficient vitamin D production.
Sun falls as perpendicularly as possible on your skin.
If your shadow is longer than you, vitamin D production will not take place. The sun is too far away. Usually before 9h and after 17h.
The highest vitamin D production takes place between 11h and 15h. Depending on your skin type, sunbathing for a few minutes - max. 20 minutes is enough.
Do not overdo it. With every minute the production decreases.
Do not overstrain the skin. Sunburn must be prevented. Build up sunbathing slowly and let the skin get used to it.
Support tolerance with vitamin A or beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Production decreases with age (about 60Y+), so supplementation makes sense.
Leave house during the day and feel the sun directly on your skin.
Avoid sunscreen for 10 minutes if skin allows. Sunscreens (15<) prevent vitamin D production.
For dark house, 20 minutes of sunbathing is not enough in our latitude.
Vitamin D supplementation is recommended between November - March. During April - October also on cloudy/sunless days.
Plantbased sources
Avocados and mushrooms are plant-based dietary sources of vitamin D. However, the content is so low that the daily requirement cannot be met.
Since conventional sunscreens contain many harmful additives that have carcinogenic effects and also inhibit vitamin D production, I prefer to protect myself from the sun naturally:
Organic sesame oil cold pressed can give us up to 20% sun protection
Organic coconut oil cold pressed not only protects us up to 30% for the sun's rays it also brings us valuable antibacterial agents and protects against ticks.
xoxo your good-life coach Claudia 💋